{"ObjectId": 5, "Country": "Kyrgyzstan", "Quarantine": null, "Testing": null, "DatePublished": "05.05.2022", "Sources": "SITATA/\n US State Dept. COVID-19 Country Specific Information/ \n OSAC Travel Advisories/\n Ministry of Health/", "TravelAdvisory": "Latest News: \n
\n International Restrictions:
\n*Entry to Kyrgyzstan: A negative PCR test or proof of vaccination status are not required for entry to Kyrgyzstan. However, requirements could change at short notice. Check with your airline before travel. For any questions on entry or exit requirements you should contact the Kyrgyz border force on +996 312 881 618.
\nPassengers may have their temperature tested on arrival. If you\u2019re showing symptoms of Coronavirus you may be taken to state medical facilities and could be asked to self-isolate at home.\n
\nInternal Restrictions:
\n*Travel in Kyrgyzstan: Inter-regional public transport services are operating. Transport providers may have additional hygiene requirements. You should check with your transport provider before travel. In Bishkek, public transport and taxi services continue to operate as usual.
\n*Public places and services: Businesses and public spaces in Kyrgyzstan have now reopened. Businesses may be following additional hygiene and sanitary requirements. You should comply with hygiene and social distancing requirements.
\nLocal authorities may introduce new restrictions if the Coronavirus situation deteriorates. You should follow local government announcements and media reporting for further information.
\nTaxi services and city public transport are able to operate as normal. Internal flights between Bishkek, Osh, Jalalabad and Batken are operating, though with a reduced service.
\n*Face covering requirements: Some businesses and other organisations need visitors to wear a face mask. You should comply with any additional screening measures and other restrictions.
\n*Accommodation: Accommodation including major hotels are operating as usual. You should check in advance with your accommodation provider and comply with any additional screening measures and other restrictions.
\n*If you test positive for COVID-19, you may need to stay where you are until you test negative. You may also need to seek treatment there.\n\n ", "Y": 41.462046, "X": 74.523246, "AddInfo": null}