{"ObjectId": 91, "Country": "Serbia", "Quarantine": null, "Testing": null, "DatePublished": "25.07.2022", "Sources": "US State Dept. COVID-19 Country Specific Information/ \n OSAC Travel Advisories/ \n Foreign travel advice, Gov.UK/\n Country Covid19/", "TravelAdvisory": "Latest News: \n
\nInternational Restrictions:
\n*All travellers: All travellers should familiarise themselves with the entry rules for Serbia before travel.
\n*If you\u2019re fully vaccinated: Entry requirements for Serbia are the same for all travellers, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.
\nProof of vaccination status: You do not need to provide proof of your vaccination status or a negative test result for entry to Serbia.
\n*If you\u2019re not fully vaccinated: Entry requirements for Serbia are the same for all travellers, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.
\n*If you\u2019ve had COVID-19 in the past year: Entry requirements for Serbia are the same for all travellers, regardless of whether you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past year.
\n Internal Restrictions:
\n*Public spaces and services: There are nationwide rules in place restricting movement and limiting activity. Protective face masks are mandatory in medical facilities and recommended in all public spaces indoors, and, outdoors when the area is crowded. Failure to wear a mask when required will incur a fine. Self-isolation, when required, will be enforced.
\nAdditional rules and penalties vary in different towns and cities, and rules can change rapidly. You should follow the latest local guidance and check news outlets regularly for up to date information.
\nFurther restrictions may be introduced, both nationwide and locally, including at short notice. Infringements of these procedures may result in fines and/or a prison sentence.
\n*If you test positive for coronavirus while in Serbia, you will be required to self-isolate at an address of your choosing for at least 7 days, likely a hotel or private residence, at your own cost. You may be contacted by the authorities and be hospitalised if deemed medically necessary. Minors will be subject to the same regulations as adults\n", "Y": 44.032994, "X": 20.803944, "AddInfo": null}